Our Commitment

At CTLpack Group, we understand Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) as an intrinsic and fundamental element of our activity as a company.
We are committed to the impact of our decisions. We seek to satisfy current needs without compromising future generations, ensuring a balance between economic growth, respect for the environment and social protection.
Sustainable development is a priority that we have cultivated over more than 15 years of research and action. Our Code of Ethics establishes guidelines and values that guide our organisation's behaviour towards our stakeholders.
We aspire to be the benchmark in Service and Sustainability in the tube packaging sector, offering innovative solutions. This commitment led us to receive the Ecovadis Platinum medal in 2022, after having obtained the Gold medal for three consecutive years, and to pioneer ISO 14001 certification.
Our achievements reflect our efforts to reduce waste and emissions, ensure energy efficiency and promote environmental practices. With high standards of Quality and Service, we have worked with more than 600 customers, many of them leaders in their sectors.

In 2018, CTLpack joined the United Nations Global Pact
The world's largest sustainable corporate initiative. Thanks to this, we have aligned our strategies and operations with the 10 universal principles on human rights, work, the environment and anti-corruption, and with the Sustainable Development Goals (SDG) for 2030.
Learn more about our participation