At CTLpack Group, values are the foundations on which all our policy is based.
Involving and involving people in these values seems to us to be a key factor, and our values are the following:

To ensure compliance with these values, the Code of Ethics has been approved, summarized and extracted below.
Fundamental rights
CTLpack and all its members undertake to respect
in all their activities the fundamental rights of individuals, including not employing minors, respecting freedom of association and passing on these same requirements to collaborating companies.2
Respect for people
CTLpack is committed to the professional and personal development of its employees, seeking equal opportunities through its policies of action, therefore not allowing discrimination based on sex, marital status, race, social condition, etc.
Privacy and data protection
CTLpack is committed to managing the personal data of its employees, clients and suppliers, in general, with full respect for their privacy and security, in order to comply with European regulations in this area.
Equal opportunities and non-discrimination
All employees have the right and obligation to treat each other in a friendly, respectful and dignified manner.
CTLpack managers must guarantee a work environment free of all types of harassment in their respective areas.
Safety and Health
CTLpack expresses its interest in the prevention of work-related incidents and occupational diseases of all personnel working in its facilities, as well as in improving Occupational Health and Safety conditions.
Protection and care of the brand, image and corporate reputation
CTLpack considers that one of the basic elements that contribute to its corporate image and reputation is the establishment of relationships of responsible citizenship in the environment in which it carries out its activities. All employees must take the utmost care to preserve the company's image and reputation in all their professional actions.
Respect for the Environment
CTLpack expresses its commitment to the environment, seeking the greatest respect in the development of its activities, minimising any negative effects. Therefore, our employees, clients and suppliers must act diligently in compliance with the company's rules and procedures in this area.
Alcohol and Drug Use
CTLpack prohibits the possession, consumption or trade of drugs and alcoholic beverages for personal purposes, as well as working under their influence, within the company.
Order and cleanliness at work
CTLpack is essential to keep workstations tidy and clean, using common areas and services in a hygienic and appropriate manner.
Patents and Copyrights
CTLpack encourages creativity among the people in the organization and understands the need to protect the rights and intellectual property that may fall on patentable inventions of any aspect.
Money laundering and payment irregularities
CTLpack will not collaborate in carrying out activities that could serve as cover for terrorist or criminal activities.
Bribes, gifts and hospitality
People in the CTLpack Group will not be allowed to offer or accept bribes or disproportionate gifts that lead to personal enrichment.
Use of company assets
CTLpack provides its team with the necessary resources to carry out its work, which must be used or consumed diligently, without misusing them for purposes other than strictly professional ones.
Conflict of interest
Any situation in which the personal interests of CTLpack employees, directly or indirectly through family members or friends, may conflict with those of the company must be avoided, and this situation must be communicated if it occurs.
Customer Relations
All clients and consumers will be treated in a respectful, fair, honest manner and in accordance with the Group's principles, seeking to satisfy their needs, providing them with competitive and quality solutions. Therefore, the company's staff must maintain absolute secrecy and confidentiality regarding the information received from clients.
Supplier Relations
Relations with suppliers must be within a framework of mutual collaboration that facilitates the achievement of objectives by both parties, with equal treatment and always within the provisions of our General Purchasing Policy and the current legal framework.
Compliance with the standard and validity
This Code of Ethics establishes the principles and commitments of business ethics that the CTLpack Group and its employees must respect and comply with in the exercise of their activities.
There is a procedure for reporting breaches of the Code of Ethics and an Ethics Committee whose operating regulations are regulated in a separate document.